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Wararka Somalida Maanta

Wafdigii Cabdullaahi Yusuf oo ka dagay Gaalkacyo

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C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed

Gaalkacyo: Madax waynaha dawlad goboleedka Puntland C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo wafdi uu hogaaminayo ayaa abaarihii 6dii maqribnimo ee galabta kasoo dagay garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Gaalkacyo.

Madaxwaynaha oo socodkiisa ay ku weheliyo Jeneraal Moorgan iyo wasiiro dhowr ah oo ay kamid yihiin wasiirka Maaliyadda ,wasiirka Caafimaadka iyo wasiirka waxbarashada ee dawlad goboleedka Puntland ayaa lafilayaa inay bari ka ambo baxaan Gaalkacyo ayagoo ku sii jeeda magaalada dekeda ah ee Boosaaso ee gobolka Bari halkaas oo beryahan laga soo sheegayey xiisad dhinaca maamulka ah iyo lacago been abuur ah oo sababay sicir barar.

Madaxwaynaha oo lafilayay inuu Boosaaso ka dago ayaan faah faahin ka bixn socdaalkiisa marka laga reebo asagoo sheegay inuu inta u dhaxaysa wiig ama laba wiig ay joogi doonaan dalka kadibna uu dib ugu noqon doono dalka Kenya,halkaas oo uu shir uga socdo kooxaha ku loolamaya awooda soomaalida .

wafidgaan uu hoggaaminayo C/llaahi Yuusuf ayaa la filayaa marka ay tagaan Boosaaso inay guda galaan hawlaha horyaala oo ay ugu muhiimsan yihiin siidaynta duqii magaalada Boosaaso iyo guddoomiye ku xigeenka maamulka gobolka Bari oo mudo dhowr cisho ah ku xirnaa xabsiga Boosaaso,xadhigaas oo uu amray wasiirka arimaha gudaha ee puntland Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade.

Madaxwaynaha mar uu ka waramayay shirka dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed ee uu haatan kasoo kacay ayuu sheegay inuu shirku si habsami leh usocdo isla markaana uu rajaynayo inuu guulaysto.



SOMALIA: Mixed reactions to clan-based proposal

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Hussein Aideed

ELDORET, 22 Nov 2002 - Somalia's Transitional National Government (TNG) and the opposition Somali Reconciliation and Restoration Council (SRRC) have both expressed dissatisfaction with a proposal to allocate delegates' seats at the Eldoret peace talks on the basis of clan.

The regional body, Inter-Governmental Authority on Drought (IGAD), which is organising the conference, on Tuesday proposed that 400 plenary seats be allocated along clan lines, to ensure equal representation for Somalia's four biggest clans, and for minorities.

TNG Prime Minister Hassan Abshir Farah told a news conference that Somalis had decided more than two years ago to "leave clans", and set up the TNG, which was the legitimate government. However, he said the TNG would accept clan distribution of seats to a new transitional government once this had been negotiated by the conference.

Hussein Mohamed Aideed, co-chairman of the opposition SRRC, told IRIN he did not reject the proposal outright but was nevertheless unhappy with it.

"Instead of just saying no, we want to study this and show them how this is impractical," he said, noting that the SRRC was already composed of different clans.

"We are mixed, and we already solved our internal problems before coming to this conference," he said. "To divide us now on a clan basis will create divisions in the SRRC, this will create divisions inside the TNG as a group, and it will take a long time, maybe two months I think, to regroup again into a tribal system."

However, both sides said they believed a compromise could be found to break the deadlock.

Some faction leaders have welcomed the proposal. "These are at least criteria that can be understood," Mogadishu-based faction leader Muhammad Qanyare Afrah told IRIN on Thursday. Qanyare, who leads the so-called group of eight (G8), said the G8 members were in favour of the new proposal.

Justice Minister in the self-declared autonomous region of Puntland, Awad Ahmed Ashareh, told IRIN his administration had no problem with the proposal. "If this new proposal brings a solution and if it is in the interest of Somali people, then it's fine with us," he said.

The IGAD proposal came after the G8 complained that seats had been distributed unfairly.

SOMALIA: FAO warns of spread of rinderpest

NAIROBI, 21 Nov 2002 - One of the world's deadliest livestock disease is on the verge of spreading from its last stronghold in northeastern Kenya and southern Somalia, the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has warned.

"The Somali pastoral ecosystem is our great challenge now," said Dr Peter Roeder, Secretary of the FAO Global Rinderpest Eradication Programme, which is working to eradicate the disease by 2010. "It is almost certainly the last refuge of the rinderpest virus in the world."

Not only are nearby areas of Africa at risk from reinfection by the movement of cattle, but trade in cattle could carry the virus across the Red Sea to the Arabian Peninsula or, according to recent reports, even further afield to southeast Asia, the FAO statement warned.

The disease - which does not affect humans - can kill entire herds belonging to small-scale dairy farmers or tribal herders who depend on cattle for their food and livelihoods. The last outbreak of the disease in Africa in 1982 to 1984 caused losses of US $2 billion, the FAO said.

Dr Roeder noted that the disease has, in the past, broken out of the Somalia ecosystem and spread as far as eastern Kenya and into Tanzania, most recently in the 1990s. "The world is very vulnerable to a devastating resurgence of rinderpest, should progress falter," he stated.

“Recent reports that traders are arranging to start exporting cattle to southeast Asia are also most disturbing, raising fears that the virus may reinfect a part of the world free from the disease since the 1950s,” he added.

The statement noted that experts were increasingly confident that the recent national eradication campaigns had freed three of the last remaining reservoirs of rinderpest - in Sudan, Pakistan and Yemen - from the disease.



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