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Heshiiskii Rasmiga ahaa ee ay kala saxeexdeen guurtidii Somaliland iyo Isamada Sool, Sanaag iyo Hawd.

November 23, 2002. Laascaanood online,Laascaanood,Somalia.

Waxaa in mudo ah ku sugnaa magaalada Laascaanood Wefti. Sida ay sheegeen weftigaasi waxay u yimaadeen arimo nabadgelyo, Isimada degaankuna ay diideen, inay siyaasad kala hadlaan.

Waxaa isimada iyo bulshada Sool, Sanaag iyo Hawd la yaab ku noqotey, waraysigii uu siiyey idaacad BBC xubin ka mid ahayd hogaanka gudigaas iyo hadaladii qadafka ahaa ee uu halkaas ka sheegay. Waxaan halkan ku soo gudbinaynaa nuqul ka mid ahaa heshiiska keliya ee ay kala saxeexdeen weftiga iyo ismada Sool, Sanaag iyo Hawd wuxuuna u qornaa sidan:

1-In xuduuda rasmiga ah ee u dhaxaysa dhulbahante iyo isaaq ay tahay galbeedka Caynabo.

2-Inaan marba aanay isamada Dhulbahante suurtagal ka ahayn in Soomaliya la kala gooyo, oo wax walba ay ka horeyso midnimada ummadda Soomaaliyeed.

3-In laba bulshooyinka wada dega waqooyiga Soomaaliya oo ku caan baxay nabad ku wada noolaansho la sii xoojiyo ilaalinta nabada, khilaaf kasta oo dhacana nabad lagu xalilo. Tusaale fiicanna uu noqdo heshiisyadii hadda dhacay.

4-Waxaa Guurtida loo sheegay inaysan ka dhici karin wax doorasho ah caro DHULBAHANTE. Waxayna balanqaadeen inay arintaas gaadhsiin doonaan maamulka isku magcaabay Somaliland.

5-Waxay Isimadu kula taliyeen Guurtida inay doorashooyinku ka dhacaan deegaanka galbeedka ka xiga caro Dhulbahante.

6-Waxaa loo sheegay Guurtida in Dhulbahante qabsan doono shirweyne laysugu iman doono Gu'ga fooda inagu soo haya(sida la qorsheynayo),loogana wada hadli doono ayaaha Dhulbahante.

7-waxaa laga ogolaaday Guurtida in wada hadal ka furmo arrinta ku saabsan ayaayaha shucuubta ku wada nool waqooyiga Somalia(kala go' kuma jiro),kadib markuu qabsoomo shirweynaha Dhulbahante.

Source:Nugaal valley online

Both Puntland and Somaliland authorities are trying to increase their support in the Sool,Sanaag,and Buuhoodle district.

November 23, 2002. Laascaanood online,Laascaanood,Somalia.

An issue that has a direct bearing on Somaliland’s ability to attract international recognition is neighboring Puntland’s claim to most of Sool and Sanaag Regions, a claim that Somaliland rejects. In 1998, the Harti leaders of northern Somalia declared Puntland an autonomous republic within a federal Somalia. Unlike the leaders in Somaliland, they decided not to opt for independence and opposed the independence of Somaliland. Puntland’s boundaries correspond to those areas where the Harti, a subgroup of the larger Darod clan, reside. The Majerteen, a subset of the Harti, predominate in that part of Puntland known as northern Somalia.

Two additional Harti subsets, the Warsangeli and the Dulbahante, reside inside that part of Somaliland claimed by Puntland. The Warsangeli predominate in the eastern part of Sanaag Region while the Dulbahante predominate in Sool and Sanaag Regions and even Buuhoodle district .

Two Harti leaders that come from different subgroups—Abdullahi Yusuf and Jama Ali Jama— have been competing for power in Puntland. Abdullahi Yusuf achieved a military victory over Jama Ali Jama earlier this year and established a new regional government. Clan reconciliation has not yet occurred, however, in Puntland.

Sool and Sanaag were part of British Somaliland when it became independent in 1960. Puntland’s claim to most of the two regions, based on clan ties, complicates the issue even though there are differences of opinion among the Harti themselves. The fact that voters in Sanaag and, especially, Sool were decidedly very less supportive of Somaliland’s 2001 referendum on the constitution and independence is explained by this clan situation. It is generally agreed that about 75% of the residents of Sanaag and a higher proportion in Sool have sympathies with Puntland.

Both Puntland and Somaliland authorities are trying to increase their support in the two regions. One country that might be in a position to help resolve differences between Somaliland and Puntland is Ethiopia. It has good relations with Somaliland and Abdullahi Yusuf (but not Jama Ali Jama) in Puntland. In fact, Ethiopia has given military support to Abdullahi Yusuf. Ethiopian Dulbahante live across the border from Sool Region and are part of the same clan structure. So far, Ethiopia has chosen not to help resolve differences between Puntland and Somaliland. A resolution of the dispute with Puntland would enhance Somaliland’s case for international recognition.


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